Is It Better To Hire PHP Developers In-House or Offshore?

One fact remains the same across all software development firms – you need talent in the form of knowledgeable, experienced PHP developers.

The difference comes in the hiring process. While some firms prefer to hire in-house professionals, others opt for hiring offshore PHP developers with the help of an expert offshore firm.

But which option is right for your business? Let’s dive into the pros and cons of each option to find out.

1. Costs

One of the obvious advantages of hiring an offshore workforce is lower costs. Hiring US-based PHP developers incurs higher recruitment costs and ongoing costs due to a demand for higher wages.

By hiring an offshore workforce with employees in places like Eastern Europe and Latin America, you can expect lower labor costs for the same quality of work as a US-based workforce. Win-win.

Not to mention that using the help of an offshore firm to recruit professionals can reduce your turnover rate. Turnover costs US businesses $1 trillion per year, so retaining talent for longer periods positively impacts your bottom line.

2. Talent Availability

A common misconception is that all the most talented techies live in Silicon Valley, but this simply isn’t true. From India to Ukraine, there are millions of talented PHP developers living across the world who have the talent and experience to make a valuable addition to your company.

Some employers have reservations about hiring offshore because of language differences, but by working with an expert software development offshore firms, you’re guaranteed to find workers with the quality of English needed for your company.

Unlike customer service roles, PHP software developers have little direct contact with clients and customers, so the most important language they need to be fluent in is PHP.

3. Remote vs. Office Working

Some firms are reluctant to hire offshore workers because they prefer to have their employees working in the office. While working in an office space can have its advantages, as remote working becomes more and more common, the technological tools available become more advanced, allowing firms to work successfully with a remote team.

Software development is one of the sectors that best lends itself to working from outside of the office. In fact, 60% of software developers already work entirely remotely.

4. Time

While hiring in-house gives you full control over the recruitment process, it also means more time out of your diary when you’re not engaging in income-generating activities.

The more time you spend dealing with administrative tasks, the less time you get to create profits, making it harder for your business to grow.

That’s why outsourcing your recruitment needs to an expert offshore software development firm can be so helpful.

Last updated